Investment Management Committee
Fintech Financial Services has appointed a number of members to the Fintech Private Portfolios Investment Management Committee through its privately owned Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 408634) Fintech Financial Services Pty Ltd (Fintech).
The Committee consists of Grant Chapman, the Principal of Fintech & Integrated Financial Solutions, as well as experienced independent financial advisers and investment professionals.
Our Investment Committee members have been chosen based on their experience and expertise in investment management, financial advising for the types of clients Fintech Financial Services caters to, accounting and portfolio construction. The Investment Committee is responsible for overseeing the investment strategy and investment process of the Investment Options.
The Investment Committee meet regularly to consider and review:
- Global economic and market conditions and provide an assessment of the macroeconomic and thematic guidance for the overall portfolio management process
- The selection and ongoing performance of any specialist investment managers against agreed benchmarks
- The investments held and the performance of these investments
- The performance of Model Portfolios against agreed benchmarks
- Consider and manage any conflicts of interests that may arise in line with compliance procedures
- The consistent application of the investment process in the construction of the Portfolios that make up the Investment Options
Where Fintech select specialist investment managers to manage part or all of an Investment Option, the Investment Committee manage and monitors their performance against agreed benchmarks.